Nursing Panels



To provide student nurses with an opportunity to hear from people who live with a mental illness and dispel myths and increase empathy for those they may encounter in their profession.


Senior nursing students at local colleges are offered an unique learning opportunity as part of their educational curriculum: the NAMI Racine County Nursing Panel.

This interactive presentation is offered in three parts:

  1. Each Nursing Panel starts with a short video entitled Competent Caring: When Mental Illness Becomes a Traumatic Event. The video shows an example of what it may be like for a person experiencing a mental health crisis in an emergency room setting.

  2. Discussion follows where participants learn from what went well and what could have been handled better.

  3. The session ends with 2-3 people living with a mental illness, sharing their personal stories. This offers a different perspective than what the students get in their classroom setting.

If you’d like to schedule a panel, please contact Sheri Hess or at 262-637-6200.

Nursing Panel Presenters

We need presenters who are in a good place with their wellness to share their personal lived experience with student nurses. If you are interested in volunteering to offer this program to better the future generation of providers in our community, please email Courtney Kadolph at