

from Disability Rights Wisconsin:

Disability Rights Wisconsin is receiving many questions from voters and others regarding absentee ballot return assistance and absentee voting protection after the SCOW Teigen decision.  We are sharing the statement below with the disability community and others who have contacted us, and it will be included in our e-newsletter.  If you hear of concerns regarding how municipalities are addressing the need to accommodate voters with disabilities, or if you have a voter who has been refused an accommodation, please contact me.  We will also be discussing this next Monday July 18th at our Voter Rights and Accessibility Subcommittee.  All are welcome.  If you are not on the committee and would like to attend, let me know and I will add you to the invitation. 

From Disability Rights Wisconsin:  

Absentee voting protections for people with disabilities after the Supreme Court of Wisconsin Teigen decision

Federal law protects the right of people with disabilities to have assistance mailing their ballot, and also to have a person of their choice deliver their ballot to their clerk or polling place. Teigen did not limit or alter federal laws that protect the rights of voters with disabilities, such as the Voting Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

·      If a voter with a disability needs someone else to mail their ballot, they should feel comfortable doing so.

·      If a voter with a disability needs assistance with ballot delivery, we recommend they contact their clerk and ask for a disability related accommodation.  Find your clerk at: My Municipal Clerk (

·      Questions?  Contact the Disability Rights Wisconsin Voter Hotline:  844-347-8683/